Monday, August 6, 2007

Nine days and counting

Summers rolling along...someone said today that they can't wait for September. Yuck. I can. I have really learned to enjoy every minute of my summer.. dinner at any old time we feel like it, night swims, summer parties, wearing my bathing suit and cover up "uniform" like everyday. I am not even sick of watering my plants yet.

I may even miss the "Mom?" "Mom come here for a minute?" "Mommy look at me do...(fill in the blank) every five minutes.

But I think my much deserved me time will do me well come September. I will probably walk around in circles (preferably in the mall...haha) for the first few weeks until I get my groove on I suppose. God knows my PTA disease will keep me busy many days. I am looking forward to picking up friendships with people who didnt decide to have that "one more baby" like I did five years ago. Maybe be able to do lunch now and again in someplace other than McDonalds.

But, even though I had started out with my baby number three not planning on making anymore friends, "cause I had enough trouble keeping up with the friends I already had" I have made some remarkably wonderful friendships. I can't believe the people I would have missed out on had I not had Michael. Granted I was very happy friendship wise pre-Michael. But I have such a big "new crop" of friends it amazes me sometimes. Probably why my party lists are teetering out of control lately. My "old" friends sometimes come to a P-Party and are like who they hell are these which I reply "my friends!" I am lucky though I know. I treasure all the friendships I have now and the one's I have lost. I always get melancholy around my birthday thinking of friendships that have fizzled. But they did probably for good reason.

So anyway...this week is planning for party #2 of August. We went to the neighbor summer party 2007 on Saturday night. I gotta say there's nothing like a party on your block that you can just walk to. This year was great since we know all our neighbors better. We are joined at the hip with the two next door so we had a great time. We all danced so much my legs are still killing me two days later. It's a treat for us too, to be able to be guests at a party once in awhile. But who I am I parties is what we do. And since we do it like every month I guess we kinda enjoy it. So block party for 100 or so of our closest friends is upon us. I should probably start cooking now...

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