Monday, September 1, 2008 you remember?

Yes it's September. OK I said it. I am ok about it though. We had the last "Monday Night at the Beach" night tonight. Did it with bang this time dinner and all..Fun.
So goodbye.......

~ To my "Summer Song"...(I have had it by now listening to it every time I check my blog)
~ "Monday night at the Beach"
~ Lazy mornings
~ my pool
~ Watering all my flowers
~ Dirty pool towels
~ No socks to wash
~ my uniform (bathing suit and coverup)
~ drinks on the deck
~ kickball 'til the street lights come on
~ eating tomatoes off the vine
~ bare feet
~ marshing mallows
~falling leaves
~Autumn them!
~My anniversary
~Comfort food for dinner
~fires in the fireplace...
One can always find the best in any situation. And now I have finally come to realize that I can't stop things from changing. I don't think I'm that good with change. I like things they way they are when they are good. Summer is good. But summer's over. Well not really for 20 more days..but it's over in spirit. I am ok with it. A little melancholy? Sure. The beginning of school always make makes me that way. All my kiddies are another year older. Even the "baby" is in a real number grade now..1st! Wow.

So you can't stop change. I have to learn to go with it. So going forward I will try. I will say goodbye to summer. With no regrets. It was a blast. I smile when I think about the fun we had. The memories we made.

And I look forward to September. Maybe taking it one month at a time is a better approach rather than seasonal.

So hello September. First exciting day of school, Junior will be 13 on Friday. (two teenagers in my house now...yikes!), first day of Autumn, trip to a dude ranch with family and friends, apple picking, mums to plant.

Yeah, I can do this.

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