Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Been almost a month since I have blogged. Guess I was consumed by the holidays. In a good way I guess. Winter sets in now...literally and figuratively. And as I have said before I don't do resolutions. I mean, not at the stroke of midnight on the 31st of December anyway. I do resolve to make some changes. I don't have a list or anything but there are things in my life that have lacked attention from me lately...and that needs to change.

I think I may have lost something somewhere over the last few years. Nothing that you could really name or grasp. I guess I just may have veered off my path (whatever that is) and need to be centered again. I somehow lost sight of what's really important I think somewhere along the way.

The past year has been one of significant loss. Death of a loved one, a dear friend moved away and personal issues that have just not been fun. I can really say that I am glad that 2008 is in the past. But throughout it all lessons have been learned. Mostly things that I knew but forgot.

Now we all have an blank book before us entitled "2009"...to fill however we choose. We make our story read however we want. Yes some things happen to us that are out of our control. But how we react to them, and what we take away from them is what we do have control over.

Each month I will try to make some changes that I think I need to make...for myself, my family, for my little part of the world. I will write my story. I don't know what the chapters will hold. But although January is cold and gray it's a fresh start.

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