Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good bye Uncle Phil

Our family lost one of our best yesterday. Uncle Phil was everyone's friend. Although he is my DH's uncle I have known him since I am 16 years old and he was and always will be my uncle too. He made me feel like part of the family from the day I met him. He was always there with a joke or a smile. He called me "Clara" just to bug me, hated when we used too many napkins and was a golf buddy to all the guys in the family. He was a wonderful husband. Loved his wife you could tell. They are a great example of what a married couple should be. A great father to his three children and their spouses. A proud grandfather of three who will now grow up without their Papa to show them the way. The baby brother in his family and a son who's mother had to experience the one thing that is every mother's greatest fear. I know his wake and funeral will be standing room only and I know he will be looking down and loving it. We will laugh and cry and walk down memory lane many times in the next few days. Italian funerals are an experience all their own. Unfortunately I have been to several so I am a seasoned professional. I will miss him dearly and still can't believe he is gone. There will be a hole in our family now. I know someday we will not hurt as much. And we all have been smiling through our tears as we speak of him. He will look out for all of us from heaven. We miss you already Uncle Phil and I can't begin to think of all the napkins we'll use on Saturday. I felt him looking over my shoulder at all the tissues I used last night. Rest in peace and I am sure your golf score will be fantastic now! Til we meet again.

And to my friends....if your husband is on your nerves this week, let him off the hook. Time is too short. Ask my Aunt Julie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know all too well how sad you are. I don't want to even get into it, and I know you know what I mean. Give Tony a hug for me and tell him I'm sorry. I'd call, but we all know how that would go. This family can't talk when we are upset, it's only tears. So we will talk at a later date. And that last comment you made? Does that mean George too? Please....he was on my last nerve 20 years ago! LOL Love ya Cuz...I'd tell ya to feel better, but I know better. It takes a lot of time....Actually it's been 3 yrs and 7 months and it still hurts for me. Not like it did back then. The actual pain in my heart has eased up a bit, but I still have my moments. The emptiness never goes away.
Love ya