Thursday, March 27, 2008

If You Give A Mom A Coffee Pot

So many books you read can parallel life, have a double meaning that is reflective of what goes on in a person's life. For example I was in a discussion once about how "The Wizard of Oz" is really all about life. (yes another post all together). Well I have just come to the realization that my life parallels the children's book "If You Give a Mouse A Cookie" by Laura Numeroff. My book would be called "If You Give A Mom A Coffeepot". It goes something like this...

If you give a Mom a coffeepot she will be standing near the sink. She will see the dishes in the sink that her family left in there last night while she was at a meeting. Then she realizes the dish washer was never run last night and decides to load them in. When she realizes the dishwasher is full she decides to quickly wash them by hand.

When she turns on the dishwasher she must go to the laundry room to get an old towel because the guy won't be here to fix the dishwasher until next week and it leaks water all over the floor. When she goes into the laundry room she realizes that her daughter did not put her laundry in the dryer and loads the dryer with her wet clothes. When she comes back to put the towel under the dishwasher she sees that the front of the dishwasher could us a wipe so she gets out the Windex and grabs a handful of paper towels.

When realizes she grabbed too many paper towels she decides to Windex the front door that the dog yacked all over while barking at another dog walking down the street. When she thinks of the dog she realizes that dog didn't have her treats yet this morning so she gives her dog some treats. When she gives her dog some treats she realizes she didn't put Shorty's snack in his backpack yet.

When she is putting Shorty's snack in his backpack she realizes it's time to go to the bus. So she walks Shorty to the bus but as she is coming back she sees a wiffle ball, a frisbee and a basketball on the lawn. So she decides to put them away in the garage. While she is in the garage she straightens up the recycling area a little since Jr. just threw the pails back after bringing them in.

When she thinks of Jr. she had to go upstairs to check that he is almost ready to leave for school. While she is up there she decides to empty Shorty's full hamper and throw his laundry in the machine since it is empty now. When she goes into the laundry room she stubs her toe on the doorway drops the laundry basket and says a few curses. When she says a few curses she thinks how can she be grouchy already this early in the day. Then she realizes that she has not had any coffee yet. And chances are if she realizes she hasn't had any coffee yet she will go back into the kitchen and start to make a pot of coffee.

So I think either I have a best seller on my hands or I have ADD. I'm not sure.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 Year old update

Seems to be passing...maybe we both have the winter blues? Here's to two days 'til spring!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A 5 year old

It amazes me how a five year old little boy can affect me. I don't only mean in the sense of how much love he stirs up in me or our family. But how one little thing he says can alter my entire mood in a good or bad way. Lately it's been bad. Not that he is a "bad boy". (I hate that term I never use it...I feel tell a kid he is bad and he will not disappoint you). He really is a good boy. I know that. And it's not because he is mine. I think I have a pretty real sense of who my kids are.
Lately I feel like he is losing his self worth. Doubting himself. A result I suppose of going to school all day. But I had two before him who already did Kindergarten, but I don't remember this. Again, maybe we don't remember painful things as a defense mechanism. Hence why we have more than one

This child had wanted to be five since he was two. Seriously. He always asked when will I be five? long 'til I am five?...can we figure out how many minutes until I am five?...and so on. When he turned five I thought this will be his year..finally five. 365 fleetings days to relish in being 5. But about six months into this banner year, there was a shift. Suddenly five sucks. "EVERYONE else is six!" (not EVERYONE..two friends on the block yes but not everyone). Everyone runs faster, rides a two-wheeler better, colors better, has better "stuff". He has NO interest in going to the religion class he has attended since he was three and has always loved. Could even do with a couple less days of school thank you very much. The crying has increased somewhat over stupid little things. I feel so protective over him. Like he is going to break, which is very unlike me.
I eavesdrop on his conversations with friends to make sure he isn't getting picked on. He had to get a cavity filled and he LOVES the dentist but I felt like smacking the dentist when he asked me to sit in the waiting room while he did his thing. I could not help but to sneak back into the hall to listen that he was ok. Which of course he was, how you get your tooth filled while asking 100 questions I do not know. But that's another post.
So maybe the reason I am writing this out loud, is to find my own answer from my own words. I usually know what to do with my kids. But when he says "I don't really go on the swings at school 'cause I can't "pump" that good" I want to throw his jacket on go out back and make him practice pumping. Have I lost my mind? I know there are far greater problems in the world. I know there are parents with such issues with their kids that they would kill for my "problems".

I am hoping this is a phase. Maybe he is just getting older, wiser to the world around him, where things aren't always great. Where people sometimes hurt your feelings and do things to you that you would never dream of doing to them. We all have to learn that. Guess this is one of those times where I would gladly take on the hurt to protect him from it. In a perfect Mom's world we could always do that for our kids. But it's not a perfect world. Just wish he didn't have to learn it the hard way like I did. But I guess we all have to.