Monday, October 13, 2008

Not Good-bye pal...

Tonight I said "til next time" to a bunch of my favorite people. Our friends the "Mc's" leave for their new life in Georgia a week from today.

So we got the families together for dinner tonight. Just pizza, beer, wine...kept it easy. If you looked in the window it looked like any other time we had dinner together...all four male children glued to the Wii...eating pizza in the family room,,,jumping all over the couch and spilling soda all over the floor. Female children planted firmly at the dinner table listening and commenting on the "adult" conversation. We talked about Georgia, the schools, the new house, re-finishing old wood floors. We laughed at old jokes, ranted like PTA moms do about school stuff the usual. Then it was time for them to go.

The kids are so well adjusted. They are ready for the adventure. Their mom prepared them well...and I think they are looking forward to it. So if we do such a good job preparing our children what they heck happens to us? How come we can't part with smiles on our face happy to be embarking on a new life and happy for our friend as they go? Where did all the laughing we were just doing go as we crumble into pieces at the door, not wanting this to really to be happening. It was much easier living in denial...thinking Oct 20th was so far away. But it's here. This was the goodbye we wanted. Quiet. Not with all the hoopla of going away parties and people trying to be the one that "will miss them the most". Our families, together just being we have for the past ten years. Not a good-bye either...a "we will see you in 8 weeks when you are back for Christmas."

I just wish....
~goodbyes weren't so hard
~ things can just stay the same when they are so good
~everyone could know a person as truly good as my dear "B"
~I will always be the kind of friend she deserves

I hope stupid Georgia (which is how I refer to it now...never really gave the state much thought but now it's stupid) knows what they are getting. I know. They are getting my sounding board, my shining example of how to be a good person through and through, my understanding look from across a room without having to say a word, my family backyard camp outs, my nudge in the arm letting me know I am doing a good job. My unconditional friend. My low maintenance give and take friend. My angel on my shoulder...who I taught how to "weed the garden", and put herself first once in a blue moon. One of the many in her fan club. Even though I am so sad, I am happy. I am lucky to have her as my friend and no amount of miles can erase that. We may not be able to grab an hour or two at the diner with a minutes notice, be we will always have each other. Yes it will be different but it will not fade. And I am thankful, for all that she taught me, her love for my family and for sharing her family with me. So we start a new chapter in our life. We will make it good. (there I go trying to embrace change again..and I still do not like it by the way)