Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Two years tomorrow at H. Lane....

Sometimes its feels like we just moved here, then other times it seems like we have always been here.I realized somewhat sadly, I am forgetting what my old house looked like. Now I remodeled that entire house. Well, not all me..of course TP did a lot. And I guess the construction company did actually do the addition big deal. But I put my heart into that house. I mean it wasnt a "colonial" when we bought it. Every room on the second floor was new. I picked out paint, rugs, furniture...I ate and slept decorating that house. Now I can't remember what color the carpet was in my bedroom. Or the light fixure that took me months to find. I can't remember what flowers I used to plant in the backyard. I mean this is the house that I decorated for a holiday in a few hours flat. I could do it with my eyes closed. Same things in the same place every year. I had holes in the same places on molding where I tacked my decorations to every year. My little paper autumn leaves or little red hearts that went on my upstairs windows...sounds so silly when I write it "out loud". I mean no one made us move. We wanted to. We had wanted to for several years but never actually got up the nerve. But our life really started there. We loved our old apartment it was a really great apartment. Darling Daughter had her own room, our landlords were like family....but it never felt like home. Our boys were born in that house on F. Avenue...we got our first dog, cat(s), minivan, neighbors, pool, block party, just to name a few in that house. But, my old friends on the block say that the newest people that live there (the BIG PEOPLE moved out) are a nice family, with company, BBQ's, kids playing basketball in the street and even a St. Bernard!! So that makes me happy. I am glad there are people who are making new memories there....even if some of mine are starting to fade.

But happily things are great here too. I love my block. I love living on my block. Driving home to my block. This is a block I used to drive past with almost asleep babies in the backseat looking at houses I wanted to buy someday. It makes me smile sometimes when I pull into my driveway. It has just recently begun to feel like home. Of course there's a million and one things on the "wish list" to do. Evenutally they will get done. It is most "home" to Shorty who doesn't remember a thing from the old house. Jr. has rearranged his room I think its four times since he has lived here...I wonder how many more configurations he can come up with?? Even the pets are at home. They have their spots to sleep or watch squirrels outside in yard. We have already made memories here. Some to last a lifetime. We are happy here. We would probably be happy most anywhere. But being in the town we love makes it even better.

I know we will be here for a long long time. Forever even. And not only because moving totally bites. Because I like to be happy. And we are happy here. I hope this is another great, memory making year in our house. No, in our home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great post. You're always so inspiring to me!