Saturday, April 11, 2009


Who knew there was such a word. Apparently there is.
Well, Monday is my two year blog-iversary. What started out as a cool new thing has turned into some kind of therapy almost for me. I never thought I would still be writing two years later. I look at my counter sometimes and wonder who reads this aside from the ones that I know. I reread some of my favorites over from time to time and they make me smile. Some still make me cry like I did the day I wrote them.
I think of the times I wanted to say more, but something held me back. Then sometimes maybe I said too much. I know why I read other blogs. But it still amazes me that anyone wants to read what I write. But those who read and comment and those who pop in and read and don't, thanks for hanging with me. I hope I have maybe made you laugh, or given you something to think about. I wonder what the next year will bring to make me what to bang away at my laptop. We shall see.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...


Because you blog about being a busy woman in New York, I wanted to let you know about an open house in NYC for women experiencing hair loss. We would love for you to join us or promote the event on your blog.

Wednesday, August 12 from 4-6 p.m.

Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration
Park 55 Building
110 East 55th Street, 11th Fl.
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-826-2400

The open house will focus on particular challenges faced in women's hair loss and hair restoration. Plus, the causes, importance of proper diagnosis and possible treatment options will be discussed.

Even if you do not experience hair loss, this is a topic that affects a lot of women and could be a great issue for you to consider blogging about for your followers. The open house is available to anyone who would like to attend, but space is limited.

Please RSVP for the open house at

Look forward to seeing you next week,

Rebecca Roebuck