Wednesday, August 1, 2007

2 weeks and holding...

I actually don't feel 40something looming...not sure why I called this that. I am looking forward to it actually. That's why I changed it to 40's here I come...

I feel like I know who I am now. What I want..what I need. I have no room for B.S. in my life anymore. No room for high maintenance people. I am exactly where I thought I would be at this time in my life. Granted back then I thought 40 was ancient...don't we all when we are 21 or so...!

Had a PTA meeting tonight believe it or not. It's July for God's sake. But being crowned PTA President of the Middle School this year...there things I gotta do. We planned the district calendar and man are there lots of meetings. But I have already decided that I will pick and choose what I go to. I have to go to my PTA meetings cause I have to run them. But all these others I will play by ear. I wonder about some of these PTA people...why they do all the things that they do. I guess everyone has some kind of an agenda. But I am determined not to do so many things "for my children" and not enough things with my children. Although this president thing is a committment I am positive its where I need to be right now. There are things that need to be changed and made right and the team I have this year will get the job done. I hope.

By the way...that wake I went to was uneventful. Felt bad for my aunt and cousins...but it wasn't a traumatic throw yourself in the coffin kind of wake..and believe me I have been to those. Actually there wasnt even a coffin...just a box of ashes. That was weird to me. Although I really hate the whole wake thing. What we put ourselves through when someone dies is mind boggling to me. I guess what good came of it is that I met cousins that I never knew..and it prompted people to make plans to get together who havent seen eachother in many years. So some good can come of it all. My good egg of a husband drove me back and forth to Connecticut for about two hours worth of waking. Bless his

I am going to try to do this more often. (blogging that is) How cool if others do it too. It's way late...gotta go hit the hay. His Michael-ness will be up at the crack of dawn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Hooray- I love having friends here!
BYW, I love what you said about not doing things "for" your children, but "with" your children.
I am adding you to my blogroll now.