Thursday, August 14, 2008

40 for the last day....

That's it. Now I am officially in my 40's. Tomorrow's the big 4-1.
It's ok though. Some people freak out about being 40ish. I don't. I kinda like it. I think it suits me.
I didn't have a wild 20's decade. It was great...I mean, engaged, married, a baby, bought house had another baby, had great friends, became a stay at home mom all before I was 30. Not too shabby. But I don't have any of those crazy stories about all the wild stuff I did when I was 20something. I had fun don't get me wrong. I guess I have a few stories and maybe scratched an itch or two so to speak. But sometimes I listen to people my age go on and on about how crazy they were when they were 20ish. I think yeah I had a baby by bar hopping for me.

30's were great times too. I had a new hometown that I loved. (and still do) Another baby, another house. Made some more spectacular new friends. All good. But predictable I suppose. Did what most 30somethings I hung around with did, took care of my kids, made dinners, helped with homework, joined the PTA.

I am just wondering what the 40's will hold. Will it all be predictable? Or will I make things happen. I don't know. Somedays I am ready to take on the world and other days I am just plain tired! ( and all these 40ish aches and pains....grr!) The day before a birthday feels like New Years eve to me. Plans to do things better the coming year. The whole list of "to do's" in my head. I enjoy my actual birthday-day though. Even if it's not a biggie and nothing special is going on. I am a Leo...don't you know it's all about me? lol
But 40's are so far so good. Granted it has only been 365 days in, but good never the less. I may actually have more "stories" from my 40th year than my counterparts do about their entire 20's. (yikes!) Having built in babysitters (see above baby after baby in my 20's...) helps a lot. They get a few bucks and we get to go out and act 20 once in awhile or even go act like grown ups sometimes too! It also helps that I know who I am now, and I am happy where I'm at. It's right about where I thought I would be.

So happy birthday eve to me. Guess I will have to wait and see what my 40's brings.
I am still leaving my summer song on. It makes me feel good. I was not "sipping whiskey out the bottle" in '89, I was planning my engagement party but I still jam to it now and if I want, go buy my own dam whiskey and drink it myself. (ick....not) Ok maybe a bottle of wine in my fancy birthday wine glass then.

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